The monster that had gone unleashed in a certain meat bazaar of Wuhan city of China posed unprecedented menaces to the fabric of civilization by threatening...
Evolution is an inevitable process. A society evolves consciously or subconsciously with the passage of time. However, the rate at which this evolution takes place has...
The falling standards of education in Govt institutes is reflected in their poor performance in Entry tests recently conducted at NED university. On the other hand...
A research center named “Biddulph House” was recently inaugurated at Gilgit after its renovation by the Gilgit-Baltistan government. The center would promote scholarship about GB, mainly...
Karakoram International University, Gilgit Prof. Dr. Engr. Attaullah Shah “In the next four years, we will focus on financial sustainability by diversifying the revenue base, internationalizing...
On 13th September 2021 at KIU, a high-performance computing laboratory was inaugurated by the provincial Minister for IT in presence of the Vice-Chancellor of Karakorum International...
Gilgit-Baltistan Education Minister Raja Azam Khan in an exclusive interview with the The Karakoram Magazine sheds light on challenges and issues related to education, proposed educational reforms of...