Gilgit-Baltistan is a place where people live. This odd introduction was necessary to compensate for the oft repeated geographical and geological introductions in which Gilgit-Baltistan is...
It was in 1842 when for the first time a Sikh force entered Gilgit on the request of an ousted Raja which reshaped the history of...
Pakistan is a land of diversity, be it natural, ethnic, cultural, or religious. Where the population may remain subject to cultural and ethnic variations across groups...
Poverty prevailing in the rural society has a damaging effect on its social fabric. Apart from other serious economic implications, the poverty has social repercussions too....
It was indeed a blissful day when Farhan, one of my friends from Lahore, a programme producer at PTV, rang me up to inform me that...
The monster that had gone unleashed in a certain meat bazaar of Wuhan city of China posed unprecedented menaces to the fabric of civilization by threatening...
A research center named “Biddulph House” was recently inaugurated at Gilgit after its renovation by the Gilgit-Baltistan government. The center would promote scholarship about GB, mainly...
The China-Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC) is a game-changer for the four provinces of Pakistan as well as for the regions of Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. It...
Farming has remained central to meet subsistence needs of the communities in GB. It still remains the main source of livelihoods for a large majority of...