Pakistan is endowed with enormous, and untapped, energy-producing potential owing largely to the natural water resources. The installed power generation capacity of Pakistan, as per NEPRA’s...
The Strategic Vein and Lifeline of Baltistan Highways are considered to be the basic means of modern communication and transportation systems. It is almost inconceivable to...
There were times when people had no source of distance communication. Access and communication have always remained key obstacle to the development of mountain areas. Communication...
SCO Mountain Girls Premier League In the world of sports, it started off that girls could never play sports and then in 1972, a civil law...
Islamabad, January 9, 2023: Karakoram International University (KIU), Gilgit published a book entitled Mountain Studies: Understanding and Managing Mountains for People and Nature”. The book was...
Ladakh was a British frontier post on the land route to China through the Karakoram Pass. Ladakh was under Wazir Wazarat, who also responsible for Baltistan...
Cinema goers in Pakistan nostalgically look back at what’s called the Vintage Era of Pak cinema starting from early fifties till the end of 1990s. Pakistan...
Almost everything that is great has been done by youth.. Benjamin Disraeli (ex-British Prime Minister) As per the statistics of United Nations Development Programme, about 64%...
Emerging Photographer captures the beauty of Gilgit-Baltistan. Taseer Beyg is a well known photographer from Hunza, Gilgit Baltistan and student of Department of Media & Communication...
Karakoram International University, Gilgit and EvK2CNR jointly organized Pre-COP26 Workshop at Karakoram International University to ensure the effective and visible participation of national/ international ecological scientists,...